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Hello beautiful beings,

Now how ‘bout that “long forgotten promise to bring Heaven to earth

through a desire for peace and harmony.” –Lol. Pretty sure, we’re getting a reminder and an opportunity all in one go in 2020. Is this primordial calling to evolve our planet pretty simple? Is it just from being ourselves --all plain and extraordinary and such--out in the world too? Being ourself is the greatest most on purpose thing we can do. From this place, fruits our bliss. Our bliss is honey to the world.

Being ourselves is bliss.

Part one is sharing the most vulnerable part of my soul of me being in the outskirts of bliss in July of 2020. Part two is me experiencing the heart of bliss in November of 2020. Began from the word curiosity in January with two pivotal life changing moments in 2020, both in Kauai once in February and once in November.

Part I February 2020

I used to think bliss was far out, an unattainable ideal that was only reserved for yogis on a path of enlightenment. Or that bliss was a rare experience that required extreme measures to be taken like paying a lot of money to go on an epic vacation or adventure. Confession: After college, for most of my 20's, I only felt bliss when I would go on an epic adventure like quitting my job to go hike solo in New Zealand. I accepted, maybe it's just not possible back in my normal or in the city to experience this radical bliss. I was cool with that. Well, sort of. I felt there was more to life. And I was missing something. I felt there it had to be a way to life a unified life in bliss. Years later, bliss to me now is the convergence of the refreshing wisdom of the tiny me and adult me-- when my adult soul is living through the lenses of the wisdom of the flying the kite, 6-year-old, Christina on the beach in Big Sur. Rocking my magenta soul with a love for God's creative details and wonder with a frickin' shooting star that has a heart exploding out of the light rays. Go find your favorite picture of you when you were little. Be open to feeling that resonance of okay, yes, this lights my heart up. This is me. Now, what does the bridge look and feel like between these two versions of yourself? Here's an example to make it easier. And it may not be so obvious at first. Unbeknownst to me, riding my bike is a conduit of energy communing my inner-joy, curious, stoked Christina with the objective observer, raw, deeply and eternally lovingly grateful for Life adult Christina. Identify your positive elements of your tiny tot version you and your adult version. So. this is what happened--how I got woken up to bliss being grounded in my being in the every day. Without realizing it for a moment's time because I was so in it, I realized my bliss is meditating with color in any kind of fashion--whether it's with flowers, the aura-soma energetic therapy practice with my clients and groups, and lastly moving my body outside in conversation with nature. I would say some of my happiest most blissed out moments are when I am in Colorado in the summer time biking an insane route up a mountain as an amateur. It brings me fully alive like a bunch of sunflowers are kissing every cell and fiber of my being. The thing is though, I could never figure out how to merge the Colorado/third world country nature bliss Christina and the city Austin Christina. I could do crazy epic bike rides in altitude in mountains or travel to exotic soul resonating places, yet I could not experience this same heightened Divine creative energy in a city. I didn't get it. And just accepted it for a long time. Recently, I was practicing being receptive opening my soul fully to God. To be receptive of the highest potential petal to bloom within me in my highest good right now at this point in the world's evolution. As I was riding my bike 30 miles to the sunflowers in Austin, I started feeling miraculous, funky, and, I swear, heightened by the bliss codes beaming from the sunflower field into me. This spot is special to me already, which is why I always bike there. I just always stop at 30 miles. Playing old stories in my head form being sick for years how anything after 30 miles is too much for me. False! I received the sunflower's messages that I need a new bike. You can only cycle so far on a heavier mountain bike. You need a road bike. Then this went into the whole am I worth it thing? Buy a nice ass bike for myself? Gosh, what, now I'm becoming a legit cycler? Do I have time for that? Can I really do that? Am I good enough? Boom! The biggest question that plagues our civilizations, am i good enough? That's a coral issue right there ladies and gentleman. The salt of sweating and the heat of the elements while biking and the raw wild sunflowers tell me: Yes, you're damn worth it honeychild. Prioritizing your personal bliss may appear to your ego as a waste of time. You're already biking 2-3 hours. That's not balanced. That's too much on one thing. Yet it's my bliss... Why would I not do more of what I Love? Boom! Self-sabotage. Of course, I deserve it. I am an imperfectly perfect child of God that is radiating light. Then I suddenly realized this unifying bridge in my life wasn't just a recreational bliss affair. It was unconditionally serving a higher purpose. Taking my biking to the next level is going to uplevel every aspect of my life including expressing my rawest essence into the world. See, I have 2 major menthylation genes missing in my body preventing me from detoxing. I can get deadly sick in the city very quickly from toxicity overload. Biking feels like being in the ocean for me. I connect with my salt of the earth energy--literally the raw salt of my sweat-- and I am cleansed even energetically too. Biking is a space where the veil is thin and I am in constant communication back and forth with God. I even have random situations play up in front of me like I'm observing my life the truth and projection as a movie. My stream of subconscious breathing and vibrating in front of me. Sunshine and sweating clarify my intuition and pineal gland and support me in being crystal clear with my intuitive gifts from God for my clients, friends, and family. I am writing/editing a book right now and can get incredibly valuable feedback from God as I am cycling. So ya, I ordered my new bike. Its called the Endurance. This much bliss has now tattoo'ed my soul and is with me all throughout my day even when I feel stressed or tired. I just feel lit up from the inside out. I believe we are all meant to be living from a place that is lit up unconditionally from the inside out. My hope is that these words or experience can inspire you to be receptive to your bliss too--as teacher and friend-- showing itself to you in the exact way you're meant to receive it. Cheers to being receptive. Cheers to our new normal. Cheers to our everyday bliss. Bless Us. Y,all we lit. Part II. November 2020

Why is bliss a flower? Or a fruit? Why feminine? Why not masculine? bliss is creation in its brightest expression. In it it’s full bloom, ready for harvest. Ready for the masculine part of being utilized. Using it. Allowing the yang of action to flow through. Nothing hard about this because our expression was already created from the feminine and as the feminine is with holy creation...It flows right on through. 2020 took me into an experiment of bliss. I know one of the last things people may associate with the year 2020. This is the discovery I found myself again in my natural cycle. I continued naturally living alive in my senses connecting in golden reverence with the world around me. Recieved warmth, nurturing, wisdom of bliss. First it all started with experiencing bliss at the beginning of 2020 in the city in austin and then deeper in Kauai in February—the awakening wild adventurous giddy bliss. Then it continued to deepen at the end of 2020 in November back in Kauai (this time unplanned) in the heart of bliss : serenity . I am at home in the heart of bliss. This adventure began from the mere word curiosity (my word for the year). This tiny word ignited a series of scintillating deepening's into bliss. What a fuckin year. Glory in the highest. Thanks be to God. My hope is to embody my good to be of service from just being me. All the power here.

God bliss you! God blisses us.

Vibrant Blessings are in Sight, Christina


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